segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2019

Senate still doesn't know what cuts Trump will make to pay for his 'emergency' wall

The Senate is ready to vote against Donald Trump's national emergency, and that's even before senators find out which military construction projects in their own states will be cut to pay for Trump's wall. According to an assistant secretary of defense, "the Department will not consider any family housing or barracks projects as funding sources," but that doesn't reveal what will be considered.

Arizona Republican Sen. Martha McSally keeps trying to trade her vote for assurances that her state won't face cuts, writing a letter to the acting secretary of defense emphasizing that while she totally supports strong border security, "I would urge you not to delay funding for any MILCON projects in Arizona, since they each directly support vital defense missions." Because Arizona is just that special.

With or without McSally, though, Trump is going to have to use his first veto, and he'll be doing it because he faces opposition from his own party—including from the unexpected source of North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis, who wrote that "As a U.S. senator, I cannot justify providing the executive with more ways to bypass Congress." Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is falling in line for Trump, as always, but his unhappiness came through as he glumly told reporters that "I think what is clear in the Senate is there will be enough votes to pass the resolution of disapproval."

That's not as unhappy as Trump must be at being defied, though, let alone by members of his own party. But he put himself in this situation—from the national emergency declaration he made clear he didn't have to do, to the fact that Congress still doesn't know what's being cut to fund the wall—and finally, finally, he may reap a small fraction of what he's sowed in terms of Republican rebellion.

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