sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2019

Trump to make yet another trip to the southern border to tout his dreams for a 'wall'

We're never going to be done with these, are we? Donald Trump announced Wednesday that he will be once again jetting down to the southern border, this time in about three weeks, to look at border fences, or look at dirt where he thinks border fences should be, or point at clouds and tell reporters what he thinks they look like. We don't know. As usual, the point of it all is unclear.

"We're going to have a news conference at the border over the next three weeks," Trump said. "We're going to do it in areas where we're building large stretches of wall."

As the Arizona Central points out, that limits possible locations to a handful. The Customs and Border Protection Agency is building 14 miles of new fence along the Rio Grande, and there are two other projects to replace existing stretches of fences with new fence, and that's about it. Trump can't go back to his most famous wall-building press conference site, the San Diego field where panels of eight new fence prototypes had been constructed, because those have already been torn down.

Trump has long been perilously unclear on just what he himself thinks he is accomplishing on the border. He has insisted that miles of new fencing has been built; he seems to be referring to pre-existing repair and replacement projects. He has insisted that Congress has been holding up the construction of those same miles of fencing that he has previously declared were being built. He has insisted that new walls are needed to stop drug trafficking (the vast majority of drugs are smuggled through border checkpoints), human trafficking (again, not how it is done), and asylum-seekers (after an intentional effort to grind refugee processing to a near-halt at designated border crossings).

So fine, he's going to go look at some dirt and rant about foreigners. He could do that from the comfort of a garden chair, but he's got to drag all the rest of us into it or he can't properly enjoy it. Noted.

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